PktAnon - packet trace anonymization

PKtAnon performs network trace anonymization. It is highly configurable and uses anonymization profiles. Anonymization profiles allow for mapping of arbitrary anonymization primitives to protocol attributes, thus providing high flexibility and easy usability. A huge number of anonymization primitives and network protocols are supported and ready to use for online and offline anonymization.
08. sep 2011 Version 1.4.0-dev has been released with support for VLAN tags.
04. feb 2011 Version 1.3.0-dev has been released and now runs on 32bit and 64bit.
10. jun 2009 Version 1.2.3-dev has been released to compile with the new gcc-4.3.x.
13. mar 2009 PktAnon is now available in the FreeBSD ports. Thanks to Wesley for making this possibel!
17. nov 2008 Version 1.2.2-dev has been released, some fixes and improvements, see the ChangeLog.
13. aug 2008 PktAnon is available in version 1.2.1-dev and now runs on FreeBSD.
11. jul 2008 Richard Bejtlich posted a short review of PktAnon on TaoSecurity Blog. In addition, he gives detailed instructions how to install and use PktAnon on a Debian system.
11. jul 2008 On a short article was published about PktAnon.
08. jul 2008 We have added information how to compile the libraries PktAnon depends on without root priviledges.
28. jun 2008 The PktAnon manual has been completed!. It now additionally features chapters on how to support new protocols and how to implement your own anonymization primitive in PktAnon!
26. mar 2008 Release of PktAnon 1.2.0 development version.